
2 young ct airmount view street
2 young ct airmount view street

2 young ct airmount view street

Pructors for Executrix, Ocean HIM) e 34 Martin Place. Dated this twenty-fifth day of October In the year one thou- sand nine hundred and thirty-nine. _._ ÎN" THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH L WALES-Probate Jurisdiction.-In Hie Will of GODWIN MARWOOD late of Dcewhv near Sydney in Cie St nie of New South Wales Gentleman de- mised-Notice is hereby given that the Second Accounts In the above Estate have this day been filed tn my office, Supreme Court House King Street Svilnry and all persons having any Interest In the said Estate may come In before me at my said office on or before the fourteenth day of December 1939 al 10,30 o'clock in the forenoon and inspect the same and If they shnll think fit nlilcct thereto: otherwise II the said Accounts be not objected to, the same will be examined by nie und passed according to law.

2 young ct airmount view street

Morrr BY PURVES & MOODIE, Ile Castlereagh Stree' Svduey. Of October In the year one thousand nlnr hundrrd and Ihirly-nlnc. said Accounts be - objected to the same will be examined bv mc i prssrd according to law. 240230.-In the Will of LOUIS MCINTOSH lolc of Moree in the State of New South Wales Retired Grarier deceased.-Nollrc Is hereby given that the Flist Accounts In the above Estate have this dnv been filed in my ofrtcc Sydncv and all persons having anv interest in the said Estate may come In bctorr nie at my said office on or before the clcventt dav of December at 11 o'clock In the forenoon am Inspect the same and If they shall think fit nb Jfct thereto otherwise If the. "THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES.-Probate Jurisdiction.-No.

2 young ct airmount view street